Student Achievement Goals

Student Achievement Goals

Howard Payne University takes great pride in the achievements of its students, past and present. 毕业生的感言和参加ebet真人娱乐厅举办的返校节和其他活动的大量热情的校友本身就是这所大学对参加这所大学的人产生积极影响的有力指标. ebet真人娱乐厅定期评估其成功与大学的使命和战略计划相一致的学生成就.

ebet真人娱乐厅确定了三个学生成就目标,并有适当的目标标准,每年进行评估和评估. The outcomes are reported annually.

Howard Payne University goals for success:




Since 2016, HPU的6年完成率平均为所有首次全日制学生的33%,从其他学校转学的学生中有19%坚持到毕业. HPU experienced six-year completion rates averaging 53% for full-time transfer students starting in Fall 2016. 这些数据通过国家学生信息中心提交,并由学生成就衡量项目(SAM)报告。. Click here to view HPU’s page on the SAM website. 值得注意的是,2016年的队列被新冠肺炎学期打断,这可能影响了收集的数据.

The University also reports retention, graduation, and outcome data to The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and publishes links to this data. Click here to view HPU’s IPEDS data on the National Center for Education Statistics website.

IPEDS的数据如下所示,阐明了首次攻读学士学位的全日制学生的各种毕业率, 包括2014年秋季和2016年秋季开始的男女毕业生的视觉效果,以及按种族/民族划分的毕业率(点击查看大图).

Click here to view HPU’s IPEDS data on the National Center for Education Statistics website. 

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate preparation to enter their chosen career/vocation.


Outcome: In 2022-2023, 80% of undergraduate graduating students participated in internships/mentorships or vocational experiences during their educational program.

  • Nursing –
    • 目标:100%获得护理学学士学位(BSN)的学生将在毕业前获得专业职位.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 100% of students who graduated with a BSN degree secured a professional position before graduation.

Goal 3: Students will develop an in-depth knowledge of their chosen field, leading to job placement or graduate studies.

大学使用多种方法通过1)各种内容领域考试(i)来评估目标3的实现情况.e., ETS Major Field Exams); 2) Comprehensive Business Exam; 3) Area Concentration Achievement Tests; and 4) Licensure/professional examinations.

Targets and Outcomes:

1) ETS Major Field Exams and other nationally standardized exams — Sample program results:

  • Computer Information Systems –
    • 目标:60%的CIS专业学生在信息系统分析师(ISA)全国标准化考试中得分高于全国平均水平.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 40% (2/5) of students scored above the national average (50%) and the HPU 10-year average with a score of 51.6%. The overall average for the 2022-2023 class was 49.6% with a high score of 61.8% and a low score tied at 42.7%.
    • Target: 60% of CIS majors will score above the national average on the “IS Strategy, Management, and Acquisition” critical thinking portion of the ISA nationally standardized exam.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 60% (3/5) of students scored above the national average on the “IS Strategy, Management, and Acquisition” portion of the ISA exam. The overall average for the 2022-2023 class was .9% higher than the national average.

2) Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE) –Business Administration and Accounting:

  • 目标:学生在CBE通用专业组成部分考试中取得基本或以上成绩,熟练或以上成绩,在同行院校学生相应百分比的5%以内
  • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 100%参加CBE考试的学生获得基本或更高或精通或更高的分数,与同龄院校学生的相应百分比相比,在5%以内.
  • 目标:学生在globus模拟中的平均分数将在全球所有学生总体平均分数的5%以内.
  • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 100% of students who took the Glo-bus simulation scored an average score within 5% of the overall average for all students worldwide. 参加Glo-bus模拟的HPU学生中有20%在至少一周内至少有一项表演类别进入每周前100名.

3) Area Concentration Achievement Tests (ACAT) – Sample program results:

  • Criminal Justice –
    • Target: 85% of the criminal justice majors will score between 400-600 on the ACAT.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 100%的刑事司法专业学生的ACAT成绩在400-600分之间(n=18),其中44% (n=8)的ACAT成绩在600分以上.

4) Licensure or Certification Exams – Sample program results:

  • Teacher Education –
    • 目标:85%参加德克萨斯教育标准考试(TExES)教育学和专业责任(PPR)考试的学生将获得及格分数(240)或以上.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 88%(24/28)的学生通过了德克萨斯州教育标准考试(TExES)、教育学和专业责任考试(PPR).
    • 目标:85%参加德克萨斯教育标准考试(TExES)教育准备计划(EPP)技术课程考试的学生将获得及格分数(240)或以上.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 92%(56/61)的学生通过了德克萨斯州教育工作者标准考试(TExES)教育工作者准备计划(EPP)技术课程考试.
  • Athletic Training –
    • 目标:85%参加TDLR德克萨斯州运动训练执照(可选)的学生将获得及格或以上分数.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 100%的学生(n=1)通过了TDLR德州运动训练执照考试的所有部分.
  • Personal Training–
    • 目标:75%参加美国运动协会(ACE)私人教练认证考试的学生将获得及格或以上分数.
    • Outcome: In 2022-2023, 75% of students (n=4) taking the ACE Personal Training Certifications exams experienced a passing score or above.

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