Student Complaint Process

Policy Regarding Informal and Formal Complaint Procedures

Informal Complaint Procedures

大学希望为学生提供优质的教育和服务,并在政策和程序的应用方面提供公平和和谐. When a student has a complaint which does not involve sexual violence or assault, 大学将鼓励通过与适当导师的非正式沟通寻求解决办法, school dean, staff member, 或者可以在书面投诉发起之前帮助纠正或澄清情况的行政官员.

Formal Complaint Procedures

本投诉政策不取代涉及特殊情况(如成绩上诉)的具体政策, illegal discrimination, sexual violence or assault, sexual harassment, appeal and due process, etc.

Lodging a Formal Student Complaint希望向学校提出正式投诉的学生必须填写并提交 formal complaint form to the appropriate cabinet level officer. 表格可在学生体验办公室和学术事务办公室获得, as well as online.

Administrative Complaint Acknowledgment:正式的学生投诉将被转发给对投诉所在地区最直接负责的管理员. 管理员将在收到投诉后的五个工作日内向学生发送书面确认,说明:(1)已收到正式投诉表格, (2) the nature of the complaint, (3)学生在15个工作日内收到书面答复. 书面学生投诉和确认信的副本将被发送给该地区的内阁级官员.

Administrative Deliberation and Response:如果收到投诉的管理员认为投诉的性质超出了他/她的监督或专业知识范围, 应该咨询该地区的下一级管理员,并可能要求他们对学生作出回应. 投诉的行政处理一般包括调查投诉的来源, previous efforts to resolve the issue, 以及任何有助于考虑和处理问题的突发事件. 回应的管理员将向学生发送一份试图解决问题的书面声明. 审议答复的副本将发送给相应的内阁官员. 所有正式的学生投诉将在解决后由每个内阁官员转交给总统办公室,并保存日志.

Student Appeal Process: Upon receiving a deliberation response to the written complaint, 学生有权向负责投诉地区的高级管理人员提出申诉. 上诉必须在收到行政答复后五个工作天内以书面提出. In each case, 学生将在5个工作日内收到上诉确认函,并在收到确认函之日起15个工作日内收到审议答复.

Administrative Levels for Student Complaints: The appropriate cabinet level officer for student complaints will be as follows: 

  • Vice President for Academic Affairs – academic, accreditation, information technology, institutional research, library, registrar, and retention issues
  • 财务和行政副总裁/财务总监-辅助服务(书店), dining hall), facilities, financial aid, human resources, and student accounts issues
  • Vice President for Development – alumni, development, and fundraising issues
  • Vice President for Student Experience – athletics, public safety, residence life, spiritual life, student activities, student organizations, and student services issues
  • 负责招生管理的助理副校长-入学和扩展校园的问题
  • Assistant Vice President for Marketing and Communications – media, publications, and public relations issues

如果最初的行政答复是由上面列出的内阁级官员之一发出的, 学生的申诉应直接提交给学生体验申诉委员会. The appeal timeline stated above applies. Following its investigation and deliberation, the committee will send to the student a written statement of decision. The decision of the committee will be final.

Source: HPU Student Handbook

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Student Complaint Process

After exhausting the Howard Payne’s complaint process, current, former, 和ebet真人娱乐厅可以向欧洲中央银行投诉,将所需的表格通过电子邮件发送到,或邮寄至德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会,总法律顾问办公室,P.O. Box 12788, Austin, Texas 78711-2788. Facsimile transmissions of the forms are not accepted. For more information regarding the THECB Complaint Process, click here or below.


有关向HPU认证组织提交投诉的过程的信息, SACSCOC, click here or below.

Note that the complaint policy only addresses significant, documented, alleged non-compliance with the SACSCOC accreditation standards, policies, or procedures. 在向SACSCOC提出投诉之前,投诉人应尝试通过该机构的投诉程序解决问题. The SACSCOC complaint process is not intended to be used to involve the Commission in disputes between individuals and member institutions or to cause the Commission to interpose itself as a reviewing authority in individual matters; nor does the policy allow the Commission to seek redress on an individual’s behalf. SACSCOC投诉程序的主要目的是获取有关认可机构可能不遵守认可标准的宝贵信息, policies, and procedures rather than to resolve individual disputes.

Complaints must be tied to specific standard numbers from The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement. To file a complaint, complete the Commission’s Complaint Form and send two print copies to the President, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097.